Sacred Geometry Acupuncture May Help Heal
Sacred Geometry Therapy Art of Healing
May Heal your:
- Aura
- Chakras
- Soul
- Subconscious
- Unconscious
- Energetic bodies:
- Physical, emotional, mental, spiritual and astral
Sacred Geometry Energy Therapy:
The focus of this treatment is to guide you in the process to reconnect yourself with your Higher Self of the light , with Mother Earth and Father Universe, as well as, to help you to become aware of the factors that are causing you inner and outer conflict and then to release them.
Our planet is experiencing a process of accelerated transformation that takes place every 13,000 years. More changes are manifesting to physical and energetic levels and we feel these changes on a personal level. If we don’t spend some time on a daily basis to connect ourselves with Source, we can manifest imbalance and all kind of sicknesses.
The Treatments Consist on:
Through the Sacred Geometry (Esoteric) Acupuncture, we may go beyond healing the physical, emotional, mental, and spiritual bodies. At this stage the patient may be more aware of his/her energy system, they may want more emphasis of astral healing such as the aura, the human energy system (Chakras), the soul, the conscious, subconscious, and unconscious mind.
- Eliminating negative beliefs and contracts that stock your spiritual growth
- Removing energies of trauma, pain and shock
- Removing energetic cords from other people from this life time and from past lives
- Repairing energetic matrixes and sacred geometry
- Eliminating negative patterns of fear
- Healing painful experiences from past lives
- Healing your Soul including black holes
- Clearing and activating your Astral energy and your Energetic Medidians
- Removing possessions (entities, spirits, energetic parasites, black magic and control devices)
- Healing your inner child
Duration: 60 to 90 Minutes *Pre-requisite: Assessment to find if you are ready for this kind of Energy Therapy
Introductory Gatherings Workshops
In these gatherings we will share information regarding Esoteric Energy Healing, as well as several basic processes and meditations to help yourself to keep a high vibrational frequency regardless of your personal and / or work environment.